The Checking In Deck is here! ✨
Do you ever feel like you just need to check in—with other people or yourself—but aren’t really sure where to begin?
Great news!
The Checking In Deck is now here, which I created in collaboration with Lib Caldwell and Ryan Wilkerson. As a hands-on tool for contemplative spirituality and relationship building, the 32 cards of this deck feature thought-provoking questions to get you thinking about yourself, God, and your community.
The card prompts fall within four categories, inspired by the Four Forces of Spirituality conceptualized by Gerald May. As you go through the deck, you’ll find prompts about your longings, God’s longings for you, your anxieties and fears, and evil, oppression, and harm. The scope of these questions range from your own internal experience and the role that you play within your community to the wider world you observe. This tool is intended to help teens slow down and examine their relationship with the world around them and the Divine and understand where they fit into all of it.
At Ryan’s insistence, this next part is from him:
Wow, after five years of begging, she finally caved and let me address her audience—feels good to be here. Hello and howdy, everyone! This deck is absolutely incredible. It is my favorite deck Mollie has made yet…and that’s not just because I was finally named as a co-author. The five pieces of art are beautiful. The prompts are the perfect, thought-provoking questions to share in the car after school, at the dinner table, and at youth group. Trust me when I say this will be one of your go-tos for a long time. I’m so excited about this deck, I’m already thinking about the next themes and questions for the expansion pack. I wish I had this tool when I was leading youth group on a weekly basis! There are so many wonderful ways that you can take it and facilitate it using your own style. Get it today!
This tool was created for teens, but it’s truly great for adults, too! As adults, we often have a tendency to overcomplicate things, especially matters of spirituality. This pattern can leave us caught in our heads and struggling to ground ourselves in our daily realities and spiritual lives. Using a tool like this can help us to simplify the process of checking in with ourselves and with others. Each prompt can also serve as a jumping off point for a much deeper conversation.

The Checking In Deck is now available at We truly hope you will love it as much as we do.
Checking out,